We've launched the announced Talent and Lore Update! All characters are granted one free RP talent and race change. Update Log.
Updates to Talents and Monsters: Read the specifics in the Update Log
Gaia Reborn
Gaia Reborn, the hottest MMORPG of the last decade, has seen millions of players experience its unique world - a combination of fantasy and reality. When Gaia Reborn was a game, one goal was to make the game world a one-half scale model of the real world. This pursuit was known as the Half-Gaia Project, and it is one of the aspects which led to Gaia Reborn becoming such a popular virtual world. With regional servers having unique areas, quests, cities, and monsters, it wasn't uncommon for people to create alternate characters on other servers to experience what felt like an entirely new game.
Ten years after the game's launch, millions of players have joined and created countless characters across the many servers. Now, with the release of the latest expansion, Pioneers of Arcadia, many are getting ready to begin new adventures in the new Italian server, exploring the new region corresponding to Italy, known in Gaia as Italia. Characters would have to start from fresh in this new world, but Italy would finally get its own piece of this world.
Countless players created their characters, logged in with excitement fueling their hands as the cursor swept across the screen, and then... darkness... Everything was black, and as their eyes opened, the players found themselves in the streets of an unfamiliar city. Looking around to survey their surroundings, many players realized this city was not so new after all. While desolate and ruined, the architecture conquered by vines and greenery, this city was unmistakably Rome, but at the same time, it was not. Finding themselves in the bodies of their characters, trapped in the world of Gaia Reborn, players are left to adapt to their new reality in this fantasy world.
This is where I test out some posting templates, whether if it's my own custom template or the ones that were made by others from sites like Template HQ. Because I don't want one single misplaced code to destroy the whole template, thank you very much!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac nunc at elit sollicitudin elementum a ac elit. Integer sed laoreet lacus, non vestibulum erat. Nullam dui eros, semper sit amet ipsum quis, bibendum sodales mi. Maecenas vitae neque est. Aenean et mauris justo. Mauris in feugiat est, vel fermentum augue. Aliquam orci odio, elementum sed lobortis nec, posuere semper ligula. Nam eleifend leo elit, rutrum auctor orci placerat ac.
Morbi vehicula malesuada auctor. Donec tincidunt posuere mollis. Etiam vehicula, eros ut efficitur convallis, dolor elit pharetra quam, a volutpat diam turpis ac augue. Curabitur auctor nisi est, maximus ultrices magna feugiat quis. Aliquam luctus sapien sed est rhoncus blandit. Sed accumsan, eros vel iaculis blandit, justo felis rhoncus nulla, sit amet cursus nisl felis ut orci. Sed elementum varius eros, quis feugiat eros tincidunt eget. Vivamus sed condimentum velit, at pulvinar diam. In a mi fringilla, gravida magna vel, vehicula dolor. Cras vitae nibh aliquam, accumsan nibh sed, pulvinar orci. Donec eget arcu eleifend, rhoncus nibh ac, convallis justo. Maecenas ut elit et mi consectetur tempor. Nulla sit amet condimentum ex. Donec nec mauris orci. Quisque quis tempor turpis.
Vivamus volutpat finibus finibus. Nullam luctus iaculis ullamcorper. Sed felis elit, elementum sed ultrices in, tincidunt et nibh. Quisque elementum orci sit amet mauris feugiat aliquam. Cras non quam nec quam interdum sollicitudin in vitae dui. Donec et justo vitae lorem tincidunt commodo. Etiam ornare, turpis eu finibus porta, lorem ligula lacinia augue, et pellentesque magna nunc id metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam euismod, arcu sit amet placerat ullamcorper, lectus lorem egestas metus, eget congue tortor sapien ut nibh. Sed tincidunt semper diam. Fusce et purus odio. Proin felis lectus, mollis at mauris at, porta dictum risus. Proin egestas, mauris non tristique mattis, ligula velit aliquet purus, et rutrum elit quam eu nunc. Sed ex tellus, iaculis nec maximus et, semper vehicula velit. Curabitur molestie in tortor nec dapibus. Ut tortor neque, placerat non porta sed, accumsan at justo.
Suspendisse potenti. Sed et dapibus diam. Cras accumsan, sapien at condimentum pulvinar, sem magna pellentesque metus, nec pharetra metus lorem et nunc. Nunc a mi in eros dictum auctor non sit amet arcu. Praesent vitae facilisis arcu, ac aliquet tellus. Proin non lacus id sapien laoreet tristique sit amet quis turpis. Morbi euismod massa est. Nulla non eleifend nisl, ut auctor leo. Pellentesque id maximus nibh. Nam lacinia elementum quam, eget tincidunt lacus elementum in. Donec posuere sem ante, in laoreet nibh ullamcorper vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum volutpat mi. Duis sed luctus tellus. Donec et mattis est, vel sollicitudin libero. In at lorem in tellus egestas auctor et congue nunc. Nullam nec interdum ipsum, ut placerat massa. Curabitur non ante a libero viverra iaculis sit amet nec urna. Phasellus maximus sem placerat sapien sagittis tempor. Donec diam justo, maximus a viverra porta, euismod dapibus quam. Duis convallis venenatis tincidunt. Nunc iaculis interdum bibendum. Duis tristique at felis in ornare. Pellentesque vel tristique metus. Mauris molestie justo mi.
Integer interdum sapien a velit tempor, id consectetur enim feugiat. Suspendisse fermentum eros sit amet augue vehicula viverra. Vestibulum facilisis auctor rutrum. Proin euismod eget risus quis fermentum. Nunc imperdiet nunc dui, eget placerat nisl faucibus eget. Vestibulum vitae tempus nibh. Proin molestie, sem ac egestas hendrerit, nulla metus congue diam, non faucibus ligula justo ac ipsum. Nulla tincidunt nunc ut pulvinar lobortis. Curabitur consectetur lectus augue, id tristique urna euismod sit amet. Fusce eu dapibus ipsum, id egestas urna. In imperdiet leo at enim sollicitudin blandit. Sed augue arcu, dapibus sit amet sodales at, condimentum ac lacus. Fusce sed ipsum tellus. Nam sodales viverra facilisis.
Cras dictum fringilla odio. Maecenas ut molestie nunc. Proin massa magna, fringilla vitae neque vel, tempor dapibus nunc. Praesent lectus nisl, gravida vel elementum eget, bibendum vel arcu. Phasellus euismod lobortis velit at lacinia. Cras aliquam massa at egestas aliquam. Nulla sed condimentum lorem, et pharetra metus. Donec sagittis nulla ut tortor fringilla mattis. Sed ac tellus nec turpis faucibus cursus. Proin suscipit dui nec blandit rhoncus. Nunc vel magna risus. Donec sagittis nisi ut nisl tempor posuere. Vestibulum quis diam est. Donec egestas ex lectus, a semper ex semper eget.
Aenean dui turpis, congue rutrum arcu vitae, placerat varius velit. Ut vulputate vestibulum est, at pellentesque ante venenatis eget. Nunc efficitur porttitor facilisis. Pellentesque eu eros ut lorem maximus feugiat. Nullam rutrum felis ipsum, sit amet pretium enim ornare vitae. Cras est massa, placerat in nisl eget, feugiat rhoncus arcu. Sed imperdiet metus vel est hendrerit, quis ultrices orci semper.
Quisque magna dui, bibendum quis neque ut, molestie ornare felis. Maecenas felis nisl, sagittis ut pharetra vitae, molestie vitae augue. Ut quis accumsan odio. Quisque euismod fermentum nunc, ac pellentesque sapien malesuada in. Sed bibendum velit vel eros tincidunt, auctor fringilla velit convallis. Quisque congue bibendum magna, ut maximus nisl porta sit amet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur porta interdum semper.
Proin luctus est at fringilla sodales. In tincidunt porttitor est ac venenatis. Aliquam luctus est id vehicula faucibus. Mauris congue aliquet lacus et consequat. In ipsum turpis, pellentesque quis eros at, tincidunt accumsan nulla. Nullam pretium, dolor id congue eleifend, ex nulla mollis orci, eget egestas diam libero et mauris. Donec sed elit egestas, lobortis mi at, auctor elit. Cras et malesuada dolor, at efficitur tellus. Integer finibus aliquam nunc id volutpat. Vestibulum maximus tortor gravida, rutrum justo sed, imperdiet lacus. Nulla nec.
Welcome to the help dialog for the Custom Mini-Profile Creator plugin!
Click on any of the tabs above to go through the plugin configuration process!
You can access this menu at any time by clicking on the icon in the bottom right bar (may not be applicable if you're on Forums.net), or you can disable the welcome window and/or the icon by going to Plugins > Manage > Custom Mini-Profile Creator and changing the Show Help option.
This step is essential as it gives the plugin everything it needs on the page to get as much profile information as possible.
To make the profile variables work you'll need to add a new line to the very end of Themes > Layout Templates > Mini-Profile and paste the code below on it. The code should be placed completely outside of the mini-profile, so if you're using the default mini-profile template this will be after the very last closing </div> tag. This needs to be done on every theme you have the plugin enabled on as the template is theme-specific.
If your mini-profile template is already customized and you've hit the variable limit for your template you're free to remove any lines from the code below if they contain information that you don't plan on using. For example, if you have no plans to ever add a user's IP to their mini-profile for staff reference you can remove <div class="mp-info ip">$[user.ip]</div> from the code and everything else will still work just fine.
Once you've added the HTML from the Layout Templates tab you're ready to move on to building your mini-profiles. If you want to get going and try some out now or you're not very adept at HTML, CSS, or Javascript, worry not! This plugin includes some examples for you to try out. You're free to skip to the Custom Profile Fields tab and read over this tab later when you're ready to build your own.
Here's a quick rundown of each of the components in Plugins > Manage > Custom Mini-Profile Creator:
Name This is the name you'll be adding to your custom profile field dropdown once you've finished coding the mini-profile. Pretty self-explanatory. Make sure this name is unique from every other name you use for your mini-profiles or you'll end up overwriting the earlier ones in the list.
HTML This is the HTML that will go inside your mini-profile. You can use just about any HTML tag here so long as it's appropriate for where the mini-profile is showing on the page. Please refrain from using <style> or <script> tags here. You have the next two sections for that! Also, remember that mini-profiles can show multiple times on the same page, so you shouldn't add ID attributes to any of your elements here. Two elements on the same page cannot have the same ID per HTML standards.
CSS This is where you'll place what would normally go in your forum's style sheet or what would normally be between <style> tags. Try to code your mini-profile's HTML in a way that will allow you to target it specifically with your selectors. For example, you can surround all of the content in your HTML with a <div> element with a class and target that class and its child elements specifically with your CSS. That way you don't accidentally target every mini-profile on the page with CSS that was meant for the one you're building. One more thing: The forum theme's CSS still applies beforehand, so your mini-profile may look right in one theme but not in another. The best way to circumvent this is to define as many styles as you can to override the theme's CSS.
Javascript Anything that normally goes between <script> tags will go here. This one's a bit tricky since you'll obviously want to target the custom mini-profile specifically. Luckily there's an easy way to do that. In your statements you can use the $(this) variable to target the mini-profile if you're coding using jQuery. Otherwise, if you only plan on using standard Javascript you can target $(this)[0] instead.
Once you've finished building your mini-profiles it's finally time to add them to the Edit Profile page for use! To enable selection of custom mini-profiles you'll first need to add two specific custom profile fields in Members > Custom Profile Fields in your forum's admin area:
Mini-Profile Theme
Staff Mini-Profile Theme
Mini-Profile Theme is for mini-profiles that are designed for member use. You can set the Who Can Edit option for this field to Staff With Power if you only want staff to be able to choose mini-profiles for users. Otherwise, if you want members to freely be able to choose their own mini-profiles you can choose Members and Staff With Power.
Staff Mini-Profile Theme is for mini-profiles designed specifically for staff use. This field is completely optional.
Set the type for both of these fields as Drop Down Selection. Click on the (View/Edit) link to add mini-profile names to each of these fields.
If you've just installed this plugin you should have three different mini-profiles already installed by default: Example 1, Example 2, and Example 3. You can add these to your dropdowns to test them out and see the plugin in action.
If you're having trouble getting this plugin to work despite following the instructions in the previous tabs you may want to check that each of your themes meets the prerequisites below in Themes > Layout Templates > Mini-Profile.
First, ensure that opening tag of your mini-profile template includes the $[miniprofile_class] variable in its class. On the default ProBoards theme it should look something like this:
<div class="$[miniprofile_class]">
Next, make sure that the default {foreach} loop for custom fields is present inside your mini-profile. It doesn't need to be visible, so you're free to add it inside a hidden element if you don't plan on displaying it or if it would mess up the appearance of your own custom template.
Beyond that you can do whatever you like to the mini-profile template for the most part and it shouldn't negatively impact the plugin.
The following is a list of available variables for use in the HTML section of the mini-profile creator and their definitions. Adding any of these to a mini-profile will generate the content described in its definition in place of the variable so long as the information that variable outputs is visible to you.
To reference your forum's custom profile fields you can use $[user.customfieldname], substituting "customfieldname" with your custom field's name. You'll need to type the name in all lowercase with no spaces and only use characters A-Z and 0-9.
For example, Mini-Profile Theme becomes $[user.miniprofiletheme]. This will output the value of the custom field. In the case of this example, it'll be the name of the mini-profile theme you've chosen in your profile.
IMPORTANT NOTE: These will only work if you followed the steps in the Installation tab of this window on each of your themes. Any themes that do not include the template code specified there will not have these variables replaced in the mini-profile.
User's display name link.
User's age (if visible to you).
User's current avatar.
User's list of badges.
User's date of birth (if visible to you).
Hex color of user's group. If user is not in a group this will return inherit.
User's custom title.
User's email (if visible to you).
Image associated with the gender selected in the user's profile (if available).
Name of gender selected in the user's profile (if available).
Name of user's current display group.
Star images associated with user's current display group.
User's numerical ID.
User's list of instant messengers specified in their profile (if available).
Returns 1 if a user is invisible. More useful for Javascript.
User's IP address (if visible to you).
Returns Member is Online if user is currently online.
Returns 1 if a user is designated as staff. More useful for Javascript.
Timestamp showing when user was last online.
Number of likes this user's posts have received.
Location specified in user's profile.
User's display name in plain text.
User's most recent status.
User's post count.
User's current posting rank.
Star images associated with user's current posting rank.
Timestamp showing the date/time the user registered on the forum.
Condensed version of user's registration date.
User's list of social networks specified in their profile (if available).
Outputs the user's login username in plain text.
User's warning bar (if it exists).
User's current warning level (if visible to you).
Website specified in user's profile.
You can utilize the $(this) variable in the Javascript component to target the mini-profile <div> element. For example, if you wanted to add a class to the mini-profile you can use:
Profile variables can also be used in the Javascript component in this plugin. In Javascript the value undefined is used to signify that a value doesn't exist for the variable you've specified. With this in mind you can use profile variables in Javascript conditional statements within the plugin similar to how they're used in the actual layout templates section of the admin area.
if(variable) will only run if the variable you specify has a value.
if(!variable) will only run if the variable you specify has no value.
Example 1 (variable has value):
If the user has their group displayed in their profile the above Javascript would make the HTML below visible if you had it hidden with CSS.